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Doctor's Appointment

Reduction mammoplasty in Naples

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Reduction mammoplasty 

Remodeling and reduction of breast volume are the essence of the Reduction Mammoplasty procedure. The main motivation that pushes patients to undergo this operation is certainly aesthetic, even if a voluminous breast creates further discomfort such as weight, pain, difficulty in physical and sporting activities, sweating, etc.
The surgical technique is extremely varied and has undergone a radical evolution in recent years, so much so that it is currently possible to carry out this operation while reducing scarring to a minimum.
The operation is performed in the operating room and preferably under general anesthesia.


Mastopexy surgery is an important operation, it involves a long procedure and like all operations it has generic and specific complications associated with it. General complications include: serosis, hematomas, infections. Among the specific ones: the reduction or loss of sensitivity of the areola-nipple complex

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The surgery

The mastopexy operation is similar to breast reduction surgery and takes from 1 and a half to three hours depending on the size of the breast. The techniques are varied and the incisions vary from simple periareolar to more vertical pari-areolar to inverted "T" ones, always depending on the size of the breast. Drainage tubes can be used in some cases and removed a few days after surgery. Some patients, such as those who have small breasts and therefore very little ptosis, may undergo surgical procedures that involve reduced scarring. 

The new look

It must still be remembered that mastopexy surgery does not stop the aging of the tissues, nor can it counteract the laws of gravity, but if the patient's expectations are realistic, the results give great satisfaction. A mastopexy can change your appearance and restore that lost self-confidence, but it does not necessarily change your look according to your desires or change the way the people around you behave.

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